【同义词辨析】 2020-07-29 火焰blaze-glow

blaze: implies rapidity in kindling of material and the radiation of intense heat and light: the crackle and ~ of oak logs; the angry ~ of her eyes. 又如twenty firemen fought the blaze20名消防队员与大火搏斗,如the antiques were destroyed in a blaze last year那些古董在去年的一场大火中全部烧毁了,如his anger blazed up uncontrollably他压抑不住心头怒火      kindle点燃to light something combustible,如I came in and kindled a fire in the stove我进来把炉子点着了,通常较困难需要准备;对比ignite表示将易燃物点燃,如ignited a firecracker点燃爆竹)  (像东西在火里燃烧一样) 发爆裂声,噼啪作响   logs木材原木

flame: suggests a darting tongue or tongues of fire: the ~s rose above the burning building.     dart 1、飞镖a missle 2、飞奔to run rapidly     如the flame of a candle/love/爱情火焰

flare: stresses a sudden rapid burst of fire or flame against a dark background (as of a dying fire): the sudden ~ of a match; and implies both suddenness and
intensity: a ~ of temper.   burst突然发作a sudden outbreak   如a flare gun(pistol)信号枪a distress flare遇险求救信号the bonfire/crisis/violence flared up篝火旺了起来/危机/暴力加剧

glare: is likely to connote unendurable brilliance: the ~ of a searchlight.   还表示怒目而视,又如the glare of the sun刺目的太阳an angry glare愤怒的目光;还表示众目睽睽oppressive public attention or scrutiny,如he carried on his life in the full glare of publicity他在众目睽睽之下继续生活

glow: is more likely to suggest a temperate burning that yields light without flame or glare, or gentle warmth and radiance: the comforting ~ of coals on the hearth. hearth壁炉       又two lamps glowed softly in the lounge休息室里的两盏灯发出柔和的光,如we will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中发光, 变土为金and we'll dream it possible我们终会梦想成真,出自单曲dream it possible,又如he was glowing with health他容光焕发透着健康,居里夫人返回实验室,看到试管里的物质在glowing发着微光

blaze烈火: 指快速燃烧发出强烈光热,flame火焰火舌: 表示火舌,flare突发火: 表示突然剧烈燃烧,glare刺眼: 表示到难以忍受,glow温火: 表示温和燃烧没有火焰

记忆方法: 1)首字母BFFGG放光不放光<==火焰

        2)火焰的意思是明亮燃烧的火mean a brightly burning light or fire or something suggesting this.